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10 Yrd Rule


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It's a shame they have done away with the 10yrd rule. I personaly think it was a very good rule against players.


We will now see the MANURE players chasing the Referee all over the pitch like pack of hounds after a fox again.

I thought that too - it was a good rule even though it was underused, it did have the effect of reducing arguments with refs. I don't understand why its being abandoned because non-rugby playing countries don't understand it - most of the big football countries in europe and south america also play rugby so I think the concept was pretty well understood, its not rocket science - I smell a fix !

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Guest Sting Ray
I thought that too - it was a good rule even though it was underused, it did have the effect of reducing arguments with refs.  I don't understand why its being abandoned because non-rugby playing countries don't understand it - most of the big football countries in europe and south america also play rugby so I think the concept was pretty well understood, its not rocket science - I smell a fix !

I think it was a good rule. But one problem with it was that moving the ball forward 10 yards did not always favour the team taking the free kick. I can always remember becks complaining when he had a free kick 30 yards out- an ideal distance for him- but then it got moved forward 10 yards for dissent. This meant that the ball was right on the edge of the box, making it more difficultfor him to get it up and over the wall as he did so many times. He suggested that the team be given the option to move the ball forward the 10 yards, not that it automatically happened.

..anyway it doesnt matter now biggrin.gif

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it is a bit of a shame really. i thought it was a good rule. And it gave the team who conceded the foul a bigger dis-advantage

Just our luck eh? Tommy goes and the rules get changed! doh.gif

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I thought that too - it was a good rule even though it was underused, it did have the effect of reducing arguments with refs.  I don't understand why its being abandoned because non-rugby playing countries don't understand it - most of the big football countries in europe and south america also play rugby so I think the concept was pretty well understood, its not rocket science - I smell a fix !

to be honest, rugby playing nations or not....

"We'll move the ball forward ten yards"

"ten yards, yeah?"

"Yeah, to give them a territorial advantage"

"nope. don't get it"

Whoever didnt understand the rule surely needs replacing...

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Trust me, in my first hand experience the majority of players have no concept of the rules whatsoever.

For example: "how could I be offside ref? I was walking back towards the half way line when the ball was played!"

"How could that be a goal ref?!? He was clearly offside!!"

"It was from a throw-in"


Two minutes after I warn both captains to kerb their teams' swearing because the red card will be produced instantly.

Captain number one: "##*** hell ref you ##**r!"

"Come here, let's have a chat... remember what I told you about swearing?"


"Well, I did warn you" [produce red card]

"What? You can't send a player off for swearing you t***r!"

Goalie having a fag - "but the ball's up the other half ref, surely it doesn't matter"

I could go on for hours, but I won't laugh.gif

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